Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Colds

Happy solstice day everyone! I wish it was a little nicer, but it's definitely nice enough. I may head out to the trampoline in a bit.

I have an awful summer cold. I hate it. It's not so bad on the cold meds but it makes me a little miserable and makes 8 hours shifts truly miserable by the end of them. Ugh, not to mention that all those stupid questions people ask are 10 times more annoying when you're struggling with just trying to get words out of your mouth that don't sound like you've been playing the chubby bunny game.

I need to work on my ukelele song. The first verse is not quite right. It might be right for another song, but not for the song that it is currently attached too. I'm also going to a girls night thing tonight with some girls from high school. That should be interesting and a little nerve racking. Oh well, I'm sure it will be fun!

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