Monday, December 27, 2010

Sent out an SOS call...

In case anyone ever wonders, I title the vast majority of my blog posts with whatever song lyric happens to be at the top of my brain (or that I may have specifically marked out before as being an awesome blog title, or that I haven't recalled using before, cuz often I have the same song stuck in my head for days at a time).

I am very excited about New Years Eve party. I have spent the last 7 or 8 New Years Eves with the same people and I refuse to be anywhere else because it is always a fun and exciting time. Last year we went with a classic: the toga party. It was great, the vast majority of people dressed up, in fact I think we only had one person who wasn't wearing a toga and we ridiculed him roundly. This year it's a 1920s theme. You know, roaring 20s and prohibition and all of that good stuff. I'm excited even though my mother took the dress in a bit to much and now I'm going to have to be really good about the food that I eat for the next week and exercise and stuff so that I can hopefully lost a lb or 2...gah! I'm kind of frustrated with her because the reason it happened is that she just wasn't listening when I explained what I wanted her to do, even though she was nodding and agreeing. And it's not like she basted it. She surged ugh...It still looks really good. Much better than it did at the wedding I wore it to. Now the fringe just needs to be added to the bottom and it shall be done! and I need to assemble my little head band and read up on some 1920s make up application stuff and that's pretty good.

I think that's really all I have to talk about tonight. Perhaps I will make a more substantial blog post at some point. Whoot.

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