Monday, April 18, 2011

I got a Broken face...uh huh

I haven't posted in too long. Exciting stuff. I got the scheduler position that I wanted. It's a .9 which is about .1 more than I want it to be. But I'll deal with it and TC is flexible. RM doesn't seem pleased, but I don't think he believes that I'm as efficient as I am. Or as organized. Also I think it annoys him that I get what I want. Because TC agreed to the schedule I wanted on a trial basis at least. Which gives me a three day weekend every other week and every Friday off. Which is nice. I also get to work 9am-5pm because I could come in at 7am, but I'd be completely useless for the first 2 hours and you wouldn't want to talk to me for the first three. Yep.

Let's see. Audrey and Stefan had their 25th birthday on Saturday and that was tons of fun. I had a great time. We made a batch of their wedding punch. It tasted a bit sweeter than it did last time, but I think that was a difference of sprite vs. 7-up. Sprite has a lot more sugar in it. Or at least it seems like it does. We played some of what we call toss and cuss I guess. It's were you throw two golf balls attached by a string at a series of three horizontal poles that are worth different points. Being a bit tipsy it took me quite a while to adjust to how to throw them and actually hit something (that wasn't other people). Our team won both times. YAY! Then later we ended up inside playing pictionary. Derek should never be allowed to write the clues. It's just a bad idea. I got a headache from all the sugar and left a bit earlier than everyone else. Sad day.

Then today...oh gods, so dumb. Our new staffing person called me at 10am on my weekend off to ask me a question that had nothing to do with me. I'm good with being called if there's a sick call. That's fine, it's a necessary evil and on a Sunday I might even consider coming in to work. But calling me to ask me about a shift trade form? Find the form and figure it out yourself. I can not help you. And when you call me at 10am I'm much more likely to attempt to kill you through the phone. I don't get up till about noon and this is a well known fact among my co-workers. How dumb can this guy be? I should write it up to TC when I'm in the office on Wednesday, but I kind of just want to ignore him until he goes away. UGH! The sound of his voice makes me want to severe my ears from my head. **dramatic shudder**

I had to buy new hair ties today because map has somehow managed to gather all of my hair ties and hide them somewhere (probably under my bed in the freakin' mattress). Silly kitty face. She's too cute for her own good.

I've been slowly stocking my kitchen with kitchen supplies. I need to still get things like a bread loaf pan. But I've got knives, frying pans, an 8x8 baking pan and silverware. I do need to get some actual dishes. But I'll see how much they'll cost me. I might have to wait till next pay day for those things. At least I have cookie sheets and a cooling rack now. Those things make me happy. I want to make some sugar cookies this week.

Later internetz. I hope you got some enjoyment out of my stories from me little life.

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