I need to just suck it up and buy an ipod because it's just easier to move stuff onto it from itunes. I guess I'm just waiting until I can get an iphone and call it good. Which should be soon. Since I'm going to steal my dad's upgrade since he's never going to use it. And I pay for it anyway.
I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas. Which is pretty good so far. I do enjoy it. Also there are a ton of movies coming out this month that I can't wait to see. There's Thor which comes out this weekend. Priest which comes out the weekend after. And Pirates of the Carribbean: On Stranger Tides the week after that. I'm so excited for all of them. Mostly because there's a lot of eye candy staged in my favorite way of seeing eye candy which is in full fantasy/sci-fi glory.
I went to see Evil Dead the Musical with my sister this past weekend. It was epic. We changed our tickets to splatter zone tickets at the last minute because the ladies who were hand stamping said it was totally worth it. Any musical were they throw buckets of water on you at the end of the musical totally wins for me. Also I got shot in the back of the head by a super soaker about a million times. Next time I will bring a plastic bag to put my purse in. That way it will stay safe. And relatively dry. Mary and I got a picture with the cast. Who were awesome.

I haven't played the ukulele or guitar lately and I'm starting to miss it. I think I definitely need to pull it out again. Ukulele is nice because it's even more portable than a guitar. I need people to play with though. Gah.
That's about all I've got for today. Good night internets.
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