Sunday, January 09, 2011

The dog days are over

So, though the first few days of the year were great on Monday it totally crashed and burned.

How it went down: I had e-mailed my boss that I wasn't sure what my schedule was because me and a co-worker were supposed to switch and he had never changed it. I told him I would be working what the computer reflected unless he texted me before 2pm on the day of. I need to know by 2pm because I need to leave around then to get to work by 3pm. It's commonly known that everyone in our office lives on their e-mail. I didn't think this would be a problem. I thought I could text him, but I didn't want to interrupt his weekend. I also might have been a touch passive aggressive because I get sick of him getting away with things that would never fly. I hate double standards.

At 3:07 I get a text telling me that I have to 3:00. Clearly, there is absolutely no way that I can be to work at 3pm when it's already almost 10 minutes after. I was, needless to say, just a bit angry. I told him that wasn't going to fly for me. He responded that if that was the case then there would be no more changing of schedules. Which is kind of a horrible scare tactic if I've ever heard one. I told him that was fine. I'm not switching schedules for me, I'm switching schedules to make going to school easier on my co-worker. Because clearly I am far too flexible.

Then he called both of our boss and she called me and told me that I had to get to work and attempted to pass the whole thing off as somehow my fault because I hadn't cc'd her any of the e-mails. How does it end up all my fault when I'm just trying to help a co-worker with school? I have no idea. I told them I would be at work at 5pm and that this would not count as sick time. I ended up getting there a little after 4:30. I have never been so frustrated with a job that I felt like I was going to cry. I feel like I desperately need to get out of there.

The icing on top of this delicious piece of cake day was my sister texting me at about 6:15 that her cat Whiskey had been hit by a car and was no more. Instantly this sent me into hysterics and I cried off and on for probably the next 3 hours. And really, that's what you want to do when you have a job that includes talking to people on phone who ask you if you've suddenly developed a horrible cold. A very nice RN saw my distress and went and got me tissues. Thank goodness work has some lovely people or I would never survive. Alas none of them seem to be among my higher ups.

The cherry on top of the night was that at about 9:30pm the computer system that we use to do all of our work on decided to stop working. IT, whom I have to call when that happens, has no idea how our system works and has to forward it to people who are on-call. They usually don't have any idea what's going on either. So, I couldn't completely finish any of my work and had to leave it to my relief to figure out how to explain to the people how to get it working again. I imagine it was a server issue because it was 10 days previously when it happened to me the first time. There was no way I was staying a minute past when I was able to go.

That was the beginning of my week. Clearly this made me want to go to work the rest of the week. My poor sister was depressed and then her husband was on night shift this week so I spent a lot of time over there after work watching movies. But it pretty much made me feel like a terribly failure all week.

I got to see a friend who lives down in California and meet his lovely wife for the first time, so that was a bright spot. It's nice to talk to him. He writes music basically as a ghost writer for a much more well known composer. We talked about some of the projects that he's worked on and what he's been working on since I saw him last (apparently all the music in the game Epic Mickey is his) and talked about the excitement of living in downtown LA compared to the quietness of Lynden. It was a nice chat, and I got a delicious red velvet cupcake out of it as well.

Saturday was Nate's house warming party. A few friends and I car-pooled down to Seattle to see his place in Fremont. It's an adorable little place. Just about the perfect size for one person, kind of a classy bachelor pad. We all got there about 3pm because we decided we'd spend the whole day down there since we were coming from Lynden. We walked around Fremont and went and saw the troll, took some pics and then walked around. There's a giant statue of Lenin that you can buy for $150,000. We played a game of Balderdash were my dyslexia kicked in epically. AGH! Because that made me feel so good about myself after the week that I had already been exposed to.

Other people came over and we ate and chatted and drank and then played some mafia. Mafia is a good game when everyone isn't too drunk and you have a manageable amount of people. This was not the case by the second game of mafia. Narrated by my cousin who picked possibly the most emotionally painful way to off me when I was killed by the mafia. Not that he could have known at that point. But I almost started crying which totally caused me to be horribly embarassed. Meanwhile people keep getting louder and louder because they are getting more and more drunk and I'm in no fit mood to be around people at this point. Also, biggest flirt in the world guy who has a girlfriend (who isn't there) is getting hit on by someone who is EPICALLY annoying when drunk and that was pissing me off because she felt the need to shout everything. I should have gone and taken a walk. Blegh!

We left about an hour later and had an exciting drive home through snow in Everett to Marysville and then once again when we hit Alger. It was certainly some exciting times. Though I think I might have slept a bit.

I went home and went almost directly to bed. I felt as though I had a little too much exposure to people yesterday. Sometimes I can handle it, but this week has been so full of high emotion that I just don't think it was a good idea to expose myself to that many people. Oh well, it was fun. Mostly.

Next week will be a better week and work is just work and it will be fine. Work is not my life. I've got a nice little lunch to go to on Tuesday and everything will be excellent. And then Hawai'i at the end of February. Looking forward to that. Really, really looking forward to it.

That's about all I have to say. It feels good to get that all out of my system. Starting fresh.

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