Sunday, January 02, 2011

Map of Tasmania

So, here's the first post of the year: the sober edition.

New year's was really great however and everyone's costumes were super. Brent's Charlie Chaplin will go down in history as the best Charlie Chaplin outfit ever. At least before he took off the mustache.

I think I pulled a muscle in my left thigh while dancing. Which is the most ridiculous thing I can think of. Also my abs hurt. I must have been dancing like a crazy person. Well, no, I was dancing with the biggest tease in the whole world. We won't go there. Stupid tease. He has a girlfriend! Tease and a flirt...grrrr...but on the whole a friendly kind of grrr, because I do need the practice.

This year will be a good one. I can feel it in my bones. I know that it will have it's ups and downs, but it seems like the downs won't be quite so bad at this point. I've got lots of fun and excitement planned and I'm totally ready for it. Hawai'i at the end of February, beginning of March and then hopefully comic-con in July, and then Chicago for my cousin's wedding in August. I'm totally ready for all of it. And to continue with my weight loss adventure. I'm roughly 5-6 lbs away from my goal for the end of February, and I know that I can totally make it. I'd like to get better about exercising more frequently. That's a big goal for this year. Though not a resolution because I just don't like being resolute about things.

I'm kind of sick of working in the position that I have as well, so maybe I'll keep my eye open for something new and far more exciting than this one. Or at least I'll keep it in mind. It is comfortable here, and the pay is alright (though no where near decent). But it's a thought for sure.

Amanda Palmer is supposedly going to be in Seattle sometime in November. So I'm definitely keeping an eye out for that and planning on dragging everyone to it that I possibly can because she's so fantabulous. I hope she brings Brian...I can practice my flirting on him too **wiggly eyebrows**

I think that's all I have left to sum up. One word of advice: If my sister offers you better bet your ass she put rum in it.

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