Wednesday, December 14, 2005


So, listening to the Doors, and basically just chilling, got up at 4:30am and milked cows...i don't think it's going to be that bad while dad is gone. Two cows came fresh today, mad cow and some heifer...that's the only part i'm worried about because we have to CMT them and stuff like that. I still think that my priorities are way different than anyone elses in the group of people that i hang out in. (Hyacinth House::The Doors) It's just kind of weirding me out right now. I know that i need to write the second half of that novel. And I'm already thinking about what I can write for next year. I'm thinking something modernistic instead of something that's fantasy. I think that might actually be a little easier. Murder mystery or something like that maybe. I have a few ideas floating around in my head and i should probably get them down on paper. Just sketch them out, i think that's allowed before November. And I can always write background stories...I have to stop typing now though because my mum wants the computer. (L.A. Woman::The Doors)

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