Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Oh yes, Yes I do.

so...I don't know if i mentioned but i have an exciting new job. I did also talk to Audrey today. And i feel a little bit better about the whole thing. Other than that i don't know.

I'm supposed to be having this party, and i desperately wish to keep it small, but Mary keeps asking if she can invite all these people, and if i invite those people i need to invite yet more people...and i don't really want to. I want to keep it small. I mean like 10, MAYBE 12 people. That many are easy to manage and we have enough beds for them. But we're getting up into the maybe 17 range, and that makes me uncomfortable because i have to milk the next morning and work the next afternoon. So i think i'm going to say no to more people, it's just to much.

Eric is back up and he hasn't hung out with us once which isn't a huge surprise since he's all mister i'm gonna get married. That's so weird, i don't think he should do it, the girl is much to innocent for him and in about 3 years they're not going to be having any fun anymore and knowing eric he'll stay married just for the kids and then he'll be dooming himself to the life off his parents.

Ryan, don't even get me started, he's so weird, he thinks he's allowed to be way more cozy with girls than he should be and then doesn't ever realize that they don't want thim that close, need i explain anymore why i'm not inviting him?

Greg...Greg is someone i would have invited 6 months ago just because I feel pity for him. But that was before camp where he decided that my sister was the hugest flirt ever and totally led him on. Now i find him annoying because his ridiculous need for a girlfriend is consuming him...i swear it's all he ever thinks about and he's very bitter towards people who have a significant other and are happy. I don't think i really want to deal with him when he's drunk, i'm scared of what he might try to pull on my little sisters, or my friends since he cut Jack with a box top the other day. I am slightly concerned about him, but he's had plenty of chances to get a girlfriend, he's just to blinded by what he wants to see it. He wants a pretty pretty girl, maybe that's not what he's meant to have. He just makes me very angry, and him drunk is not my idea of a fun night, especially since i have to get up at 4:30 and go milk cows. I want to keep it fairly low key.

I seem to be having problems with everyone lately don't i? I just think it's that time of year. The time of year when i have infinite problems. I need to shock the hot tub before the 21st as well. Okay...i'm done and i'm going now. I get to sleep in tomorrow and i should savor the days while i have them

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