Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Zero Friction

Good morning internets...though it is not morning here I imagine it most certainly is somewhere that the internet reaches. Crazy I know.

It's making me crazy that I can't access hulu on this computer anymore and my queue is getting longer and longer and longer. AGH! I'll have to spend some time after getting a new battery for my car tomorrow to watch it.

Yes, today as I was about to go to work I tried to start my car and it failed to respond. I knew that my battery had been getting close to dead for quite some time now, I had just been putting off getting one because, well, when it comes to car stuff I am kind of lazy. Now I need to load my dad into a different car and make him go battery shopping with me on his birthday >.< Oh well, at least its easily fixable, right?

Other than that I have not much else to say at all today. My cat goes to get her shots tomorrow...oh excitement. This means I should call home and tell them not to set her free! Because otherwise I will undoubtedly have to cancel said vet appt because I cannot find my cat. That always seems to happen at the worst of times.

That's all of my exciting news for now internets...have a good night!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'll Sing It One More Time for You, But then I really have to go...

I enjoy really long subject lines that don't have anything to do with the subject of my actual I said earlier, just lines of songs that happen to be stuck in my head at the moment.

I feel weird my head is not connected to my body and I'm having trouble focusing...maybe I just haven't eaten enough? I have no idea. It's kind of bizarre and I'm not sure I like it. Throat is also slowly getting more sore. I hope my funny-haha joke about being sick on Sunday is not coming true. Only I half hope it is, because then I don't have to deal with the crappy staffing. Only I don't because that will be two Sundays in a row that I was scheduled that I have called in for and patterns never look good. Blegh. I'll see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. Because if I feel crappy I'm not going to be coming in...seriously I would much rather be helping Sarah and Dad do siding right now. It definitely sounds way more fun than being here.

I need to finish up some of books that I am currently reading. So in no particular order I shall list them and decide upon my chances of finishing them (whilst making phone calls! I am so multi-skilled!)
  • Killbox (Sirantha Jax #4) by Anne Aguirre I think that this book is probably going to be the quickest one for me to get through. It's sci-fi genre and I enjoy the characters, though the author has gotten rid of the promise of hot sci-fi sex that drew me to it in the first place. At least so far there hasn't been any. :( But the story line is progressing lovely and I really enjoy the whole grimspace thing
  • Generation Kill by Evan Wright I feel like at some point I'll just start powering through this and it'll end pretty quickly. Since its my current bring to work book there is the off chance that this will be the book that I finish first. I find it fascinating because its nonfiction and the people in it are real honest to god people out there in the world some where who I could perchance bump into someday
  • Earth: A guide to the human race by Jon Stewart et. al. Interesting book written from the perspective that humanity has managed to wipe itself out and the only information for what we were is contained in this book and whatever managed to be left behind after we destroyed ourselves in some magnificent fashion. Really kind of hilarious. Those poor aliens are going to be so confused about what the hell humans were. I don't know if they'll really grasp the humor
  • The Ambassador's Mission by Trudi Canavan This book is going to take me forever. I tend to think that this author is a bit of a one hit wonder in the sense that I really enjoyed her first trilogy. It was great. Everything since then has'know not as good. Her second trilogy (set in a different world) I couldn't even read. Ugh, then she wrote a half decent book in her first world (I think it was a prequel, and that's why it's only kind of good). This book is also in the original world, but it just doesn't have the right kind of feel and it's going to take my forever. It might get relegated to the books I couldn't get through shelf.
  • Bogus Science by John Grant This is one of those books I just cart around with me everywhere to read in doctor's offices and such so I don't expect to get through it anytime soon. It also functions as my back up work book in case I forget anything else. Interesting and hilarious all at the same time as being educational. Just a good book to read.
  • Books that I have misplaced: The Wind up Girl by Paolo Bacigulupi; The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan I may never find these again. Who knows where they have gone. But I'll keep them on my list on the off chance that they reappear and I manage to finish them.

So I think that's about all I have to write about today. So glad that I remembered the cord with which to plug in my mp3 player today. Music makes it go so much more smoothly than otherwise. And my head still feels weird.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Good Time, That's What I'm Here For...

I have a tendancy to title things with whatever song lyric is stuck in my head at the time. I'm really oddly tired today. I'm wondering if this is a side effect of my recent experimentation with EXTREMELY low levels of caffeine intake. So far no horrible migraines that make me wish I could die. A little bit of a low grade left sided head ache on occasion. But that could also be the computer screens as they are not the easiest on the eye balls.

I should be receiving a True Blood comic in the mail tomorrow (YAY!). However, it will probably arrive after I have already left for work (BOO!). I should also get the next 2 discs of Vampire Diaries from the netflix (yay?). Have I mentioned how much I love the largely unused postal system? Its kind of lovely that you can send something to someone anywhere in the world and actually expect it to get there in some sort of a reasonable amount of time. Which reminds me that I should get a birthday card to my friend in Australia...though it will totally arrive late since I believe her birthday is today. It's the thought that counts right? It'll have to be an adorable kitten card because we often discuss our adorable kittens.

Other things to blog about...hmmmm...I'm just kind of keeping this window open as a stream of consciousness thing while I'm here at work because I forgot the thing to plug in my mp3 player and unfortunately the computer won't let me watch hulu anymore (maybe I'll go try one in the back). I also forgot my little writey tablet with the story I was writing on it. I have my other one though so I could work on that. I also have a couple of books with me. It is day 3 of 7 in a row which means that tomorrow is day 4 and that always makes me much happier because I am more than halfway done. I feel like I've been really pro-active in looking ahead at my weekend and knowing what my most likely problems will be and informing the schedulers (well, the ones who are here, how is it that two of them are let off at once for vacation but two staffing clerks can't be? Double standard, yes, I think so) of the problems so that they can get on it. And also bugging my manager so that she can track down the managers who don't listen to their schedulers, or in some cases **coughREHABcough** don't have one and beat them in the head with their problems. I doubt it will do a whole lot, but at least the calls will get put out early.

Enough about work. Work is dumb and I feel like I focus on it too much. I guess I do have to make money somehow...**le sigh** can't I just be independently wealthy? Or not have an obsession with DVDs, books, and video games? Because I'd need much less money if I stopped buying those things. But I love them. Especially books. I consume them at an alarming rate. I bought this really cool book the other day (or at least it seems like it will be really cool) about Peter the Great. I loves me some history. Oddly enough especially Russian history. I should be awesome.

Okay, I really should probably stop now and do my job. Blegh. Oh wells...have a lovely evening everyone!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Infinite Possibilities

Today I am cataloging things that make me happy.

  • The fall sun outside. It's gorgeous and I love the beginning of fall, well, I love most of fall, though occasionally the rain gets to me (usually around my birthday since I am a child of Autumn)
  • My signed picture of Kristin Bauer makes me happy. I just look at it and get a dumb grin. Ah the mystical powers of twitter
  • I've lost around 25lbs now (weighing yourself when your hair is wet, never a good idea). This means my current diet is working and that makes me happy. It's going to suck when I plateau though.
  • True Blood comic book #3 is on its way to my hot little hands as we speak!
  • Only 6 more days of work in this stretch? It's totally better than 7.

So, I think that covers it for the things that are currently making me happy about life. However, my computer at work seems to be incapable of accessing hulu any longer and this makes me sad. But I'll get over it. Just one more reason to buy an ipad right? ^_^ I do kind of desire one, but I am not sure I desire to sink the kind of money I am going to need into it...birthday present from Uncle Louis? Doubtful. Forgot to bring my writing to work last night so was stuck reading one of the many books that I keep in my purse. Currently its Generation Kill by Evan Wright(along with Bogus Science by John Grant). I decided I should probably read the book after I watched the mini-series, which was pretty well done and lifted almost directly word for word in some parts from the book. I'm not quite done so we'll see how much of it lines up. At some point I should stack up all the books I'm currently reading and the ones I have yet to read and snap a pic of them all just for the sake of really letting people know how ridiculous the amounts of books I read at once are.

Which reminds me that I should stop at B&N on the way to work today and grab the new book Earth by the Daily Show. They always crack me up and I do kind of want it in hard cover.

Off I go my pretties! Try to enjoy the gorgeous fall day!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Mysterious Mind of Me

Perhaps this is not clear, but I spend a lot of time thinking about the process of thinking. Such as how I get into thinking about really strange things in my head. I think there are probably several levels of thinking going on in any persons head at any one time. You've got the surface level, where you are thinking about things you need to do and listening to what people are saying to you and participating in conversations and such. The kind of basics level. Then you have another level perhaps below that, perhaps just y'know more like a circle within a circle where the break down of what's going on in the outer level happens. Where conversations get saved for later dissection and it'll throw things at you occasionally out of no where. This level seems to be very active for me when I am driving. I'll just start breaking every other thing down and trying to draw all sorts of crazy conclusions from it. Sometimes, if left to it's own devices, at least for me, this level can do more harm than good when it gets stuck on some crazy paranoid bender of the-world-hates-me-ness. Now deeper within a circle within in a circle of you brain is that level that takes care of all the stuff you never think about and throws random thoughts at you when you're right on the edge of sleep.

So that's my view on my strange meta-thinking type of process. My third ring of mind threw an interesting question at me when I was going to sleep last night...however, first let me make this clear. I am a huge day dreamer, I day dream all the fuckin' time. Like someday I may just lose myself in them and never come out. So, the thought my brain threw at me was this (and I'm cleaning it up a little because my brain is never really very clear on things that far in): When I day dream why am I never a vampire?

And this puzzled me because it is true. In my day dreams that involve vampires, I never am one. Hmmmmm...this made me think that there were probably all sorts of interesting conclusions that I could draw from that about my brain and my self and all sorts of stuff. But more it just made me think. Then it made me think back through TV shows. Could it be because you never see bad-ass female vampires with souls struggling to redeem themselves? Hmmm Joss Whedon? And True Blood has some bad ass female vamps (I do especially love Pam, but Nan Flanagan has the potential to be pretty awesome too) but none of them compare in screen time to the guy vamps (or really in the amount of skin they show, because Eric and Bill have certainly been naked much more). So, maybe there is a lack of bad ass female vamp main characters on TV? And perhaps in books as well? Though Xhex is pretty awesome in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Hmmmm...

And then of course I have weird dreams with the Dresden Dolls in it and Amanda Palmer signing my ukelele...weird. My brain has way too much time on it's hands is my conclusion and I need to read more and watch less...well, probably watch less True Blood, but then I would just read more Sookie Stackhouse novels and it would end up pretty much the same.

Also I have officially lost 20lbs since June according to my mother's scale. WHOO HOO!

Later, next time I will try to explain something not as convoluted as my thought process. And I abhor proof reading which is why this blog will stay as poorly edited as it is. So there. You can't make me proofread! (Also the reason I shall probably never get anything published, ironically enough).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Suburbs

The title of this blog reflects the CD I am listening too right now (or at least when I drive around in my car). It's the new one from the Arcade Fire. I'm enjoying it. It's one of those CDs that sounds mellow but it subversive. My favorite kind. It also gets better the longer you listen to it. And it has 16 tracks which means that you're really getting your monies worth out of it. I always feel like explaining the titles of my posts. Don't know why.

Things I've been contemplating lately:

  • Going to San Diego Comic Con next year. I do believe me and some friends from work are planning to road trip down there so we can see all of our most favorite stars. Or at least y'know, some attractive actors.
  • Hawaii at the end of February/beginning of March. I am very excited to go. I haven't been on a plane in a really long time, much less been anywhere out of the state. Basically I haven't been anywhere out of the state since 2008, which was the last time I went to California. And that wasn't super fun. Interesting and educational yes, fun, not so much. So I'm really looking forward to a fun trip.
  • I started my meeting with Northstar this past week and we do a bunch of stuff tomorrow and then I start on the diet that we conclude is best for me and hopefully my weight loss gets a big boost. Not that I've done badly over the summer, having dropped nearly 20lbs in 3 months, but it'll be nice to have some accountability and I think it will keep me much more motivated. (Goal weight is 250lbs by Hawaii and 225lbs by comic con! Totally doable in my mind.)

That's about all I can think of to write about at this point. I've been writing quite a bit lately, though I don't know if I want to say that because when I do my writing seems to dry up for a little while. But we'll see if it does. I hope not. I've also been watching a lot of Criminal Minds. Great show that one. I do enjoy all of the actors and I am really sad that they cut JJ's character entirely out of the season that starts soon and that Prentiss (the only other female agent) is only contracted for half of the episodes. That leaves Garcia as the only full time female cast member, and while I love Garcia, don't get me wrong, I feel kind of gipped out of female FBI role models. Now all we're left with is freakin' Covert Affairs and a rogue Nikita. Come on guys. Give me a break. Super lame.

I am ridiculously excited for TV to start up again however. I love my non-reality tv shows with something that borders on really obsessed. I don't watch reality tv because if I'm going to devote an hour to a show I want to lost myself in not reality. Not watch a bunch of rich, spoiled people argue with each other. That makes me crazy. I want to watch Chuck, or Psych, or y'know anything else that's not reality Tv (except maybe project runway...Tim Gunn is awesome after all).

So until I desire to rant on and on again interwebs. Have a nice day