Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Good Time, That's What I'm Here For...

I have a tendancy to title things with whatever song lyric is stuck in my head at the time. I'm really oddly tired today. I'm wondering if this is a side effect of my recent experimentation with EXTREMELY low levels of caffeine intake. So far no horrible migraines that make me wish I could die. A little bit of a low grade left sided head ache on occasion. But that could also be the computer screens as they are not the easiest on the eye balls.

I should be receiving a True Blood comic in the mail tomorrow (YAY!). However, it will probably arrive after I have already left for work (BOO!). I should also get the next 2 discs of Vampire Diaries from the netflix (yay?). Have I mentioned how much I love the largely unused postal system? Its kind of lovely that you can send something to someone anywhere in the world and actually expect it to get there in some sort of a reasonable amount of time. Which reminds me that I should get a birthday card to my friend in Australia...though it will totally arrive late since I believe her birthday is today. It's the thought that counts right? It'll have to be an adorable kitten card because we often discuss our adorable kittens.

Other things to blog about...hmmmm...I'm just kind of keeping this window open as a stream of consciousness thing while I'm here at work because I forgot the thing to plug in my mp3 player and unfortunately the computer won't let me watch hulu anymore (maybe I'll go try one in the back). I also forgot my little writey tablet with the story I was writing on it. I have my other one though so I could work on that. I also have a couple of books with me. It is day 3 of 7 in a row which means that tomorrow is day 4 and that always makes me much happier because I am more than halfway done. I feel like I've been really pro-active in looking ahead at my weekend and knowing what my most likely problems will be and informing the schedulers (well, the ones who are here, how is it that two of them are let off at once for vacation but two staffing clerks can't be? Double standard, yes, I think so) of the problems so that they can get on it. And also bugging my manager so that she can track down the managers who don't listen to their schedulers, or in some cases **coughREHABcough** don't have one and beat them in the head with their problems. I doubt it will do a whole lot, but at least the calls will get put out early.

Enough about work. Work is dumb and I feel like I focus on it too much. I guess I do have to make money somehow...**le sigh** can't I just be independently wealthy? Or not have an obsession with DVDs, books, and video games? Because I'd need much less money if I stopped buying those things. But I love them. Especially books. I consume them at an alarming rate. I bought this really cool book the other day (or at least it seems like it will be really cool) about Peter the Great. I loves me some history. Oddly enough especially Russian history. I should be awesome.

Okay, I really should probably stop now and do my job. Blegh. Oh wells...have a lovely evening everyone!

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