I feel weird today...like my head is not connected to my body and I'm having trouble focusing...maybe I just haven't eaten enough? I have no idea. It's kind of bizarre and I'm not sure I like it. Throat is also slowly getting more sore. I hope my funny-haha joke about being sick on Sunday is not coming true. Only I half hope it is, because then I don't have to deal with the crappy staffing. Only I don't because that will be two Sundays in a row that I was scheduled that I have called in for and patterns never look good. Blegh. I'll see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. Because if I feel crappy I'm not going to be coming in...seriously I would much rather be helping Sarah and Dad do siding right now. It definitely sounds way more fun than being here.
I need to finish up some of books that I am currently reading. So in no particular order I shall list them and decide upon my chances of finishing them (whilst making phone calls! I am so multi-skilled!)
- Killbox (Sirantha Jax #4) by Anne Aguirre I think that this book is probably going to be the quickest one for me to get through. It's sci-fi genre and I enjoy the characters, though the author has gotten rid of the promise of hot sci-fi sex that drew me to it in the first place. At least so far there hasn't been any. :( But the story line is progressing lovely and I really enjoy the whole grimspace thing
- Generation Kill by Evan Wright I feel like at some point I'll just start powering through this and it'll end pretty quickly. Since its my current bring to work book there is the off chance that this will be the book that I finish first. I find it fascinating because its nonfiction and the people in it are real honest to god people out there in the world some where who I could perchance bump into someday
- Earth: A guide to the human race by Jon Stewart et. al. Interesting book written from the perspective that humanity has managed to wipe itself out and the only information for what we were is contained in this book and whatever managed to be left behind after we destroyed ourselves in some magnificent fashion. Really kind of hilarious. Those poor aliens are going to be so confused about what the hell humans were. I don't know if they'll really grasp the humor
- The Ambassador's Mission by Trudi Canavan This book is going to take me forever. I tend to think that this author is a bit of a one hit wonder in the sense that I really enjoyed her first trilogy. It was great. Everything since then has been...eh...y'know not as good. Her second trilogy (set in a different world) I couldn't even read. Ugh, then she wrote a half decent book in her first world (I think it was a prequel, and that's why it's only kind of good). This book is also in the original world, but it just doesn't have the right kind of feel and it's going to take my forever. It might get relegated to the books I couldn't get through shelf.
- Bogus Science by John Grant This is one of those books I just cart around with me everywhere to read in doctor's offices and such so I don't expect to get through it anytime soon. It also functions as my back up work book in case I forget anything else. Interesting and hilarious all at the same time as being educational. Just a good book to read.
- Books that I have misplaced: The Wind up Girl by Paolo Bacigulupi; The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan I may never find these again. Who knows where they have gone. But I'll keep them on my list on the off chance that they reappear and I manage to finish them.
So I think that's about all I have to write about today. So glad that I remembered the cord with which to plug in my mp3 player today. Music makes it go so much more smoothly than otherwise. And my head still feels weird.
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