Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last Night on Earth

So, in about 45 minutes Nanowrimo begins. I can't wait. Of course, every year I start off with such high hopes, but I do always seem to fall behind. This year I am determined not to. I have a lot of determination. So, my favorite thing to do, a bulleted list of things I am determined to do this November!
  • Finish a 50,000 word novel! This will be hard, but it's not impossible because I have done it before, however that was while I was unemployed and I drank caffeine then as well. So, now I am employed and don't drink caffeine. I know I can do it though
  • Keep up with my exercise stuff, and progress it further. Right now Mary and I are doing 10 minute videos every day. After another 6 days it is my goal to do 2 of them a day, followed by a day with one, followed by a day with 2 and then repeat that pattern again eventually working up to doing one entire 10 minute solutions video in one day! I know I am very ambitious.
  • Get my writing speed up to 500 words an hour. Because I type roughly 60-80 words per minute this is technically well within possible, but rarely does it happen. Because I spend so much time going back and forth and editing. I would like to stop that.
  • Have a good birthday. I have a tendency to get depressed around my birthday, and I really don't like it, so my goal is not to do that.
And that is my bulleted list for this month! I think they are reasonable goals. Another goal is to lose another 10lbs this month, which shouldn't be a problem if I stick to my exercise stuff and manage to stay at least close to my diet. Which I overshoot some days and undershoot others. It all balances out in the end. I would rather lose weight slowly and allow my body to adjust, than lose weight quickly. Even the weight I've lost so far makes me feel strangely off balance. My body doesn't necessarily feel as hardy as it always has, it seems like a lot of little things are bugging me. Also headaches that are not cool keep accosting me. I'm pretty sure this is because I carry a lot of tension in my neck right were my neck meets my skull and this causes me to have headaches and sometimes migraines if I stay tense enough long enough. Sarah has the same problem, and it's not unusual for family members to carry tension in the same location. So it's painkillers for me when that happens. Yay.

I've got a vague idea for Nanowrimo this year, it should give me a lot of material to work with if I don't get bogged down in logistics. It's kind of combo sci-fi/fantasy with a lot of room for expansion in either direction. Knowing me it will probably end up more fantasy like than sci-fi like because, well, I gravitate more towards one than the other. Though I do love me some sneaky sci-fi that presents as fantasy but deep down underneath if you peel away all the's sci-fi way underneath (THE CLOISTER IS A SPACE SHIP YOU FOOLS!) As always though the hardest point for me will be character names. Also perspective. I'm thinking of doing a combo of 1st and 3rd person. MC being 1st person and then doing small sections from other characters perspectives in 3rd person (because sometimes you just need to write from another persons point of view and get away from your MC.) If anyone wishes to join me in my venture I would invite you to friend me on and find my username which is Sayasha. As always of course. ^_^ Only half an hour to go!

Friday, October 29, 2010

literal vs. poetical translation

Thinking about things today, like literal translations vs. poetic translation (or translation into the equivalant phrase in English). Just kind of funny that it might literally mean I want to eat your face but the poetic type translation is I want to kiss you or something like that. Just remembering a song I used to listen to that said that. And it was kind of really funny.

Other than that I've started doing these 10 minute pilates videos with Mary every morning and good God my legs hurt from the other day. The arm exercises weren't that bad. But my upper thighs burn like none other. My minimum goal by mid-November is another 5 lbs. Which might be a bit hard with my birthday in there and everything. But hopefully it'll work. I think I can definitely do it. It is hard though. Sometimes more than others.

I've decided I am dangerously obssessed with Sweden (basically Europe in general). If and when I go there I may definitely never come back. I'll end up in Sweden, or Ireland, or some other interesting country just chillin' like a villain. I wonder how hard it is to get a work visa in another country? I'll have to go about looking into it. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just spend my days dodging the international version of ICE ^_^ Mwahahahahahaha!

It's 3 days until I can buy comic con tickets and I am so excited about it! I've got the money just waiting to be blown on it. Tickets are only $105 for all four days which is less than I thought it would be. Though perhaps with service fees it'll come out to almost $120 and then all we have to do it book a hotel (I plan on making one of my RN friends put it on their credit card since um...I don't have one of those and don't intend on getting one for some time if I can avoid it. I love that it always confuses people when they try to find credit history on me and nothing pops up. I do not exist in your silly world of credit you strange people!) And that's about it for me for today!

Later blogverse and the interwebs!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Where am I Going with This?

Enjoying myself on my last day of my four day stretch here at work. It's been a decent few days. I'm glad I'm heading into an off again/on again stretch though. It is kind of frustrating that it's not a solid stretch off, but at the same time one day on/one day off has it's advantages of not making you go extremely batty from being here several hundred days in a row.

Something that's making me really frustrated about work lately is that our bosses at work only seem to tell us anything when we're doing something wrong. There's never any positive feed back. Only feed back for negative things and that's really really frustrating after 5 years of working here. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been told that I'm appreciated by my bosses. That's kind of really lame. Just every once in a while it really starts to bother me.

I've got to be getting back on the band wagon for dieting this week. I haven't gained any weight back but I haven't lost any either for about a week or two now. Lame. I hate dieting but I understand the necessity of it. I'm only 18 lbs away from my goal for Hawaii/ the end of February. Which is definitely reachable and will only be set back by delicious holiday food which is coming up. Oh holidays. You defeat me.

I need to plan a big trip. To Europe. I want to go to Europe in the worst kind of way. So the money saving must start and the planning must as well. I'll have to price out some options, the problem I always have is that the plane tickets are just so stinking expensive. But it is pretty much a 20 hour flight. Of which I spent most of the time sleeping. And flying over that much ocean is severely nerve racking. Seriously. So nerve racking. Argh.

That's all I have for today my dears. Please have a safe and happy halloween if I don't write you all again by then ^_^

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Here's the map to my oubliette

So, cousins are up this week. I do love my cousins from Illinois, this could be because I see them so rarely. I love my aunt Ellen and Uncle Herman as well. They are great. Uncle Herman being my dad's only older brother and they look almost exactly alike only Herman is all dark and my dad is all light. Kinda funny that way.

So, went out to dinner with them all the other night. Met Lizzie's fiancé (as he told me one e because he is a boy) who is named Matthew and is French (now say Matt'hue). Dinner was a bit awkward for me. I'm almost up to having lost 30lbs and I kind of feel weird about my body. None of my clothes currently fit me and I really need to invest in a belt. So I didn't talk a lot of the time. Ugh.

However, went out tonight for drinks and some dessert with Sarah &Mark, Lizzie & Matt (John didn't come because he's a recovering alcoholic and it's still really hard for him to be around alcohol since he's only been sober a little over 6 months). We had a blast. Lizzie had finished a bottle of wine before we even went out to New York Pizza. So we all had a drink there and then Lizzie wanted to dance and to give them the out in the county experience we took them to Bobby Lee's ...because it's kind of hilarious there and it was karaoke night. We really got there much to late to put in anything for karaoke. But it was fun none the less. Liz and Matt danced and I swear to you everyone in the bar watched them because Matt clearly dances like a European (meaning he's a guy who can actually dance). It was great. Jack and Greg were there and I talked to them and a few of Mark's friends were there as well. One of them let Matt try on his cowboy boots and it was kind of hilarious because Matt immediately decided that he NEEDED some cowboy boots.

I dropped everyone off being the responsible DD (YAY ME) and felt kind of bad cuz I left Matt to carry Lizzie into the house all by himself. He said he could handle it though.

So that's been my exciting time with cousins so far. They are here til Tuesday so we shall see how it goes! Excitement!

Monday, October 04, 2010

You're like iodine chasing all the storms away

I'm having a lovely day. Not really for any particular reason. Everything just seems infinitely lovely. It could be the fountain I discovered on my walk tonight, it could be the man walking his dog who waved at me (nothing makes me happier than friendly people oddly enough), it could be that I watched both Boondock Saints movies back to back the other night with some friends.

Point is it could be any number of things. And while I would love to sit here and break it all down and analyze like I have a penchant for doing (if you haven't noticed). I think I just might let it be what it is...lovely.

I'm thinking of caving and getting an ipod nano just because it's more convenient that it syncs to itunes. Sorry sansa, you are my love, but you don't sync with itunes and that is incredibly inconvenient.

Still writing a whole bunch...YAY! Though not necessarily on the same things all the time.

Goal: get a new laptop. One that works. Preferably.

New band that I like (okay more like band I've known about for a while that I just got the CD for): USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) they are pretty much nerd core yet still awesome. Get a little ways into 2 15/16 or Hollowpoint Snyper Hyperbole and you will very much know what I mean. Some of there other stuff isn't quite as cool, but I do still like it.