Monday, October 04, 2010

You're like iodine chasing all the storms away

I'm having a lovely day. Not really for any particular reason. Everything just seems infinitely lovely. It could be the fountain I discovered on my walk tonight, it could be the man walking his dog who waved at me (nothing makes me happier than friendly people oddly enough), it could be that I watched both Boondock Saints movies back to back the other night with some friends.

Point is it could be any number of things. And while I would love to sit here and break it all down and analyze like I have a penchant for doing (if you haven't noticed). I think I just might let it be what it is...lovely.

I'm thinking of caving and getting an ipod nano just because it's more convenient that it syncs to itunes. Sorry sansa, you are my love, but you don't sync with itunes and that is incredibly inconvenient.

Still writing a whole bunch...YAY! Though not necessarily on the same things all the time.

Goal: get a new laptop. One that works. Preferably.

New band that I like (okay more like band I've known about for a while that I just got the CD for): USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) they are pretty much nerd core yet still awesome. Get a little ways into 2 15/16 or Hollowpoint Snyper Hyperbole and you will very much know what I mean. Some of there other stuff isn't quite as cool, but I do still like it.


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