Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last Night on Earth

So, in about 45 minutes Nanowrimo begins. I can't wait. Of course, every year I start off with such high hopes, but I do always seem to fall behind. This year I am determined not to. I have a lot of determination. So, my favorite thing to do, a bulleted list of things I am determined to do this November!
  • Finish a 50,000 word novel! This will be hard, but it's not impossible because I have done it before, however that was while I was unemployed and I drank caffeine then as well. So, now I am employed and don't drink caffeine. I know I can do it though
  • Keep up with my exercise stuff, and progress it further. Right now Mary and I are doing 10 minute videos every day. After another 6 days it is my goal to do 2 of them a day, followed by a day with one, followed by a day with 2 and then repeat that pattern again eventually working up to doing one entire 10 minute solutions video in one day! I know I am very ambitious.
  • Get my writing speed up to 500 words an hour. Because I type roughly 60-80 words per minute this is technically well within possible, but rarely does it happen. Because I spend so much time going back and forth and editing. I would like to stop that.
  • Have a good birthday. I have a tendency to get depressed around my birthday, and I really don't like it, so my goal is not to do that.
And that is my bulleted list for this month! I think they are reasonable goals. Another goal is to lose another 10lbs this month, which shouldn't be a problem if I stick to my exercise stuff and manage to stay at least close to my diet. Which I overshoot some days and undershoot others. It all balances out in the end. I would rather lose weight slowly and allow my body to adjust, than lose weight quickly. Even the weight I've lost so far makes me feel strangely off balance. My body doesn't necessarily feel as hardy as it always has, it seems like a lot of little things are bugging me. Also headaches that are not cool keep accosting me. I'm pretty sure this is because I carry a lot of tension in my neck right were my neck meets my skull and this causes me to have headaches and sometimes migraines if I stay tense enough long enough. Sarah has the same problem, and it's not unusual for family members to carry tension in the same location. So it's painkillers for me when that happens. Yay.

I've got a vague idea for Nanowrimo this year, it should give me a lot of material to work with if I don't get bogged down in logistics. It's kind of combo sci-fi/fantasy with a lot of room for expansion in either direction. Knowing me it will probably end up more fantasy like than sci-fi like because, well, I gravitate more towards one than the other. Though I do love me some sneaky sci-fi that presents as fantasy but deep down underneath if you peel away all the's sci-fi way underneath (THE CLOISTER IS A SPACE SHIP YOU FOOLS!) As always though the hardest point for me will be character names. Also perspective. I'm thinking of doing a combo of 1st and 3rd person. MC being 1st person and then doing small sections from other characters perspectives in 3rd person (because sometimes you just need to write from another persons point of view and get away from your MC.) If anyone wishes to join me in my venture I would invite you to friend me on and find my username which is Sayasha. As always of course. ^_^ Only half an hour to go!

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