Sunday, May 08, 2011

Because the Origami

Just went and saw Thor all by my lonesome. Which is always kind of sad because I always want to make comments to people when I see movies and when you're by yourself there's not really anyone to comment too. But the movie was great! Plus there were lots of attractive good looking men in it. Always makes my day. The guy who played Loki looks awfully familiar (also he's worked with Branaugh before, which doesn't surprise me, sometimes actors become favorites of directors and get used a lot). Also he'll be back in the next one along with everyone else! YAY! And it had Stellan Skarsgard in it. Not my favorite Skarsgard, and that would have made it so much funnier if Alex Skarsgard had gotten the part of Thor. I would have spent the whole movie laughing. Which probably would have made it not as good of a movie. I did see it in 3-D which kind of leaves me with a headache now. Also the Avengers movie can not get here soon enough. I can't believe I have to wait an entire year for it. UGH. I'll just have to survive on all the other amazing movies coming out in between. Like Priest, and Pirates of the Caribbean 4, and Captain America, and X-Men: First Class, and Sherlock Holmes 2...and hopefully some more Sherlock tv series.

Now I want to write this Loki story that has been floating around in the back of my head for a while. Almost 4 years now I think. I should probably just start working on it. But I have to find all of my Ragnorak research. and then try to remember how I was spinning it. Oh fun. Off I go interwebs. Have a lovely night.

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