Friday, December 31, 2010
Auld Lang Syne
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sent out an SOS call...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
I promise not to try...
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
I've got a bullet proof heart, you've got a hollow point smile
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
If you did it say you did it, if you didn't suck it up and say you did!
Other than that I spent the week having super vivid and ridiculous dreams. At least two of them involved zombies (to be expected since I used my B&N gift certificates on some The Walking Dead comic books, they are horribly scary) but those dreams are too far away for me to remember any details.
But then, I had a dream where I was in a camp/school thing with basically everyone I had ever had a class with throughout Kindergarten through high school. And it was a musci class being led by Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione (YAY!) and I was whispering to my friend Lynae that I thought Brian was super attractive, and she thought I should tell him, and I think essentially Brian heard the entire conversation and then I woke up out of embarassment right as we were all about to head off to health class. This also all took place in a barn with a big sliding door that looked back into a field with a tractor in it. I don't know how that fits in.
I also had a dream that I had a flying pirate ship (I am so bad ass in my dreams). I had to park it above a house and climb down (every house was like it's own little world within a world) I had to do something down there with inverse colored tigers that were ghosts of people or something really bizarre like that. When I climbed back up to my Pirate ship it was under attack and Derek had used a special paste he made from kitty litter to patch the hole and was now trying to steer the ship defensively while Whitney was running around crazily firing off small wooden cannons (half of which were missing) and using wooden tennis rackets to lob things at the attacking ships. At that point it was so weird I had to wake up.
So, I have now summed up my very strange dreams, that definitely rate up there with my mythbusters apocalypse dream (that one was awesome). I really do love dreaming vividly.
I go Christmas shopping tomorrow and I've got to find a way to get myself out of bed by 10am...argh, I am not a get up that early person. However, the crowd should be severely less if I can get to the mall that early...oh life is very very hard. :P
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
There Will Still be no...Air to Breathe
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Unless you have Friends Among Fish
Um...finally started reading Black Sun Rising by C.S. Friedman. I may only be reading it because Michael Whelan is the cover artist and I love him...I love him soooooo much. He has done the covers of all my most favorite novels. Which I think says something about his caliber as an artist. And usually it's very clear that he's read an ARC copy of the book before he made the painting that eventually became the books cover. I want my house covered in his paintings. They are awesome.
I really think that's about all I have to say. My brain is awfully blank today...must have been all the sleep I got this morning/last night.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
This Ship of Fools I'm on Will Sink
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
You're like a buzz, looking for a bee
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Last Night on Earth
- Finish a 50,000 word novel! This will be hard, but it's not impossible because I have done it before, however that was while I was unemployed and I drank caffeine then as well. So, now I am employed and don't drink caffeine. I know I can do it though
- Keep up with my exercise stuff, and progress it further. Right now Mary and I are doing 10 minute videos every day. After another 6 days it is my goal to do 2 of them a day, followed by a day with one, followed by a day with 2 and then repeat that pattern again eventually working up to doing one entire 10 minute solutions video in one day! I know I am very ambitious.
- Get my writing speed up to 500 words an hour. Because I type roughly 60-80 words per minute this is technically well within possible, but rarely does it happen. Because I spend so much time going back and forth and editing. I would like to stop that.
- Have a good birthday. I have a tendency to get depressed around my birthday, and I really don't like it, so my goal is not to do that.
Friday, October 29, 2010
literal vs. poetical translation
Other than that I've started doing these 10 minute pilates videos with Mary every morning and good God my legs hurt from the other day. The arm exercises weren't that bad. But my upper thighs burn like none other. My minimum goal by mid-November is another 5 lbs. Which might be a bit hard with my birthday in there and everything. But hopefully it'll work. I think I can definitely do it. It is hard though. Sometimes more than others.
I've decided I am dangerously obssessed with Sweden (basically Europe in general). If and when I go there I may definitely never come back. I'll end up in Sweden, or Ireland, or some other interesting country just chillin' like a villain. I wonder how hard it is to get a work visa in another country? I'll have to go about looking into it. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just spend my days dodging the international version of ICE ^_^ Mwahahahahahaha!
It's 3 days until I can buy comic con tickets and I am so excited about it! I've got the money just waiting to be blown on it. Tickets are only $105 for all four days which is less than I thought it would be. Though perhaps with service fees it'll come out to almost $120 and then all we have to do it book a hotel (I plan on making one of my RN friends put it on their credit card since um...I don't have one of those and don't intend on getting one for some time if I can avoid it. I love that it always confuses people when they try to find credit history on me and nothing pops up. I do not exist in your silly world of credit you strange people!) And that's about it for me for today!
Later blogverse and the interwebs!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Where am I Going with This?
Something that's making me really frustrated about work lately is that our bosses at work only seem to tell us anything when we're doing something wrong. There's never any positive feed back. Only feed back for negative things and that's really really frustrating after 5 years of working here. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been told that I'm appreciated by my bosses. That's kind of really lame. Just every once in a while it really starts to bother me.
I've got to be getting back on the band wagon for dieting this week. I haven't gained any weight back but I haven't lost any either for about a week or two now. Lame. I hate dieting but I understand the necessity of it. I'm only 18 lbs away from my goal for Hawaii/ the end of February. Which is definitely reachable and will only be set back by delicious holiday food which is coming up. Oh holidays. You defeat me.
I need to plan a big trip. To Europe. I want to go to Europe in the worst kind of way. So the money saving must start and the planning must as well. I'll have to price out some options, the problem I always have is that the plane tickets are just so stinking expensive. But it is pretty much a 20 hour flight. Of which I spent most of the time sleeping. And flying over that much ocean is severely nerve racking. Seriously. So nerve racking. Argh.
That's all I have for today my dears. Please have a safe and happy halloween if I don't write you all again by then ^_^
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Here's the map to my oubliette
Monday, October 04, 2010
You're like iodine chasing all the storms away
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Zero Friction
It's making me crazy that I can't access hulu on this computer anymore and my queue is getting longer and longer and longer. AGH! I'll have to spend some time after getting a new battery for my car tomorrow to watch it.
Yes, today as I was about to go to work I tried to start my car and it failed to respond. I knew that my battery had been getting close to dead for quite some time now, I had just been putting off getting one because, well, when it comes to car stuff I am kind of lazy. Now I need to load my dad into a different car and make him go battery shopping with me on his birthday >.< Oh well, at least its easily fixable, right?
Other than that I have not much else to say at all today. My cat goes to get her shots tomorrow...oh excitement. This means I should call home and tell them not to set her free! Because otherwise I will undoubtedly have to cancel said vet appt because I cannot find my cat. That always seems to happen at the worst of times.
That's all of my exciting news for now internets...have a good night!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I'll Sing It One More Time for You, But then I really have to go...
I feel weird my head is not connected to my body and I'm having trouble focusing...maybe I just haven't eaten enough? I have no idea. It's kind of bizarre and I'm not sure I like it. Throat is also slowly getting more sore. I hope my funny-haha joke about being sick on Sunday is not coming true. Only I half hope it is, because then I don't have to deal with the crappy staffing. Only I don't because that will be two Sundays in a row that I was scheduled that I have called in for and patterns never look good. Blegh. I'll see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. Because if I feel crappy I'm not going to be coming in...seriously I would much rather be helping Sarah and Dad do siding right now. It definitely sounds way more fun than being here.
I need to finish up some of books that I am currently reading. So in no particular order I shall list them and decide upon my chances of finishing them (whilst making phone calls! I am so multi-skilled!)
- Killbox (Sirantha Jax #4) by Anne Aguirre I think that this book is probably going to be the quickest one for me to get through. It's sci-fi genre and I enjoy the characters, though the author has gotten rid of the promise of hot sci-fi sex that drew me to it in the first place. At least so far there hasn't been any. :( But the story line is progressing lovely and I really enjoy the whole grimspace thing
- Generation Kill by Evan Wright I feel like at some point I'll just start powering through this and it'll end pretty quickly. Since its my current bring to work book there is the off chance that this will be the book that I finish first. I find it fascinating because its nonfiction and the people in it are real honest to god people out there in the world some where who I could perchance bump into someday
- Earth: A guide to the human race by Jon Stewart et. al. Interesting book written from the perspective that humanity has managed to wipe itself out and the only information for what we were is contained in this book and whatever managed to be left behind after we destroyed ourselves in some magnificent fashion. Really kind of hilarious. Those poor aliens are going to be so confused about what the hell humans were. I don't know if they'll really grasp the humor
- The Ambassador's Mission by Trudi Canavan This book is going to take me forever. I tend to think that this author is a bit of a one hit wonder in the sense that I really enjoyed her first trilogy. It was great. Everything since then has'know not as good. Her second trilogy (set in a different world) I couldn't even read. Ugh, then she wrote a half decent book in her first world (I think it was a prequel, and that's why it's only kind of good). This book is also in the original world, but it just doesn't have the right kind of feel and it's going to take my forever. It might get relegated to the books I couldn't get through shelf.
- Bogus Science by John Grant This is one of those books I just cart around with me everywhere to read in doctor's offices and such so I don't expect to get through it anytime soon. It also functions as my back up work book in case I forget anything else. Interesting and hilarious all at the same time as being educational. Just a good book to read.
- Books that I have misplaced: The Wind up Girl by Paolo Bacigulupi; The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan I may never find these again. Who knows where they have gone. But I'll keep them on my list on the off chance that they reappear and I manage to finish them.
So I think that's about all I have to write about today. So glad that I remembered the cord with which to plug in my mp3 player today. Music makes it go so much more smoothly than otherwise. And my head still feels weird.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A Good Time, That's What I'm Here For...
I should be receiving a True Blood comic in the mail tomorrow (YAY!). However, it will probably arrive after I have already left for work (BOO!). I should also get the next 2 discs of Vampire Diaries from the netflix (yay?). Have I mentioned how much I love the largely unused postal system? Its kind of lovely that you can send something to someone anywhere in the world and actually expect it to get there in some sort of a reasonable amount of time. Which reminds me that I should get a birthday card to my friend in Australia...though it will totally arrive late since I believe her birthday is today. It's the thought that counts right? It'll have to be an adorable kitten card because we often discuss our adorable kittens.
Other things to blog about...hmmmm...I'm just kind of keeping this window open as a stream of consciousness thing while I'm here at work because I forgot the thing to plug in my mp3 player and unfortunately the computer won't let me watch hulu anymore (maybe I'll go try one in the back). I also forgot my little writey tablet with the story I was writing on it. I have my other one though so I could work on that. I also have a couple of books with me. It is day 3 of 7 in a row which means that tomorrow is day 4 and that always makes me much happier because I am more than halfway done. I feel like I've been really pro-active in looking ahead at my weekend and knowing what my most likely problems will be and informing the schedulers (well, the ones who are here, how is it that two of them are let off at once for vacation but two staffing clerks can't be? Double standard, yes, I think so) of the problems so that they can get on it. And also bugging my manager so that she can track down the managers who don't listen to their schedulers, or in some cases **coughREHABcough** don't have one and beat them in the head with their problems. I doubt it will do a whole lot, but at least the calls will get put out early.
Enough about work. Work is dumb and I feel like I focus on it too much. I guess I do have to make money somehow...**le sigh** can't I just be independently wealthy? Or not have an obsession with DVDs, books, and video games? Because I'd need much less money if I stopped buying those things. But I love them. Especially books. I consume them at an alarming rate. I bought this really cool book the other day (or at least it seems like it will be really cool) about Peter the Great. I loves me some history. Oddly enough especially Russian history. I should be awesome.
Okay, I really should probably stop now and do my job. Blegh. Oh wells...have a lovely evening everyone!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Infinite Possibilities
- The fall sun outside. It's gorgeous and I love the beginning of fall, well, I love most of fall, though occasionally the rain gets to me (usually around my birthday since I am a child of Autumn)
- My signed picture of Kristin Bauer makes me happy. I just look at it and get a dumb grin. Ah the mystical powers of twitter
- I've lost around 25lbs now (weighing yourself when your hair is wet, never a good idea). This means my current diet is working and that makes me happy. It's going to suck when I plateau though.
- True Blood comic book #3 is on its way to my hot little hands as we speak!
- Only 6 more days of work in this stretch? It's totally better than 7.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Mysterious Mind of Me
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Suburbs
Things I've been contemplating lately:
- Going to San Diego Comic Con next year. I do believe me and some friends from work are planning to road trip down there so we can see all of our most favorite stars. Or at least y'know, some attractive actors.
- Hawaii at the end of February/beginning of March. I am very excited to go. I haven't been on a plane in a really long time, much less been anywhere out of the state. Basically I haven't been anywhere out of the state since 2008, which was the last time I went to California. And that wasn't super fun. Interesting and educational yes, fun, not so much. So I'm really looking forward to a fun trip.
- I started my meeting with Northstar this past week and we do a bunch of stuff tomorrow and then I start on the diet that we conclude is best for me and hopefully my weight loss gets a big boost. Not that I've done badly over the summer, having dropped nearly 20lbs in 3 months, but it'll be nice to have some accountability and I think it will keep me much more motivated. (Goal weight is 250lbs by Hawaii and 225lbs by comic con! Totally doable in my mind.)
That's about all I can think of to write about at this point. I've been writing quite a bit lately, though I don't know if I want to say that because when I do my writing seems to dry up for a little while. But we'll see if it does. I hope not. I've also been watching a lot of Criminal Minds. Great show that one. I do enjoy all of the actors and I am really sad that they cut JJ's character entirely out of the season that starts soon and that Prentiss (the only other female agent) is only contracted for half of the episodes. That leaves Garcia as the only full time female cast member, and while I love Garcia, don't get me wrong, I feel kind of gipped out of female FBI role models. Now all we're left with is freakin' Covert Affairs and a rogue Nikita. Come on guys. Give me a break. Super lame.
I am ridiculously excited for TV to start up again however. I love my non-reality tv shows with something that borders on really obsessed. I don't watch reality tv because if I'm going to devote an hour to a show I want to lost myself in not reality. Not watch a bunch of rich, spoiled people argue with each other. That makes me crazy. I want to watch Chuck, or Psych, or y'know anything else that's not reality Tv (except maybe project runway...Tim Gunn is awesome after all).
So until I desire to rant on and on again interwebs. Have a nice day
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Red Eye Liner
So, I've been remembering something that is cracking me up. The remembrance is brought on by the scene in True Blood where Alex Skarsgard wears a skirt. The commentary says that apparently he really enjoyed wearing a skirt. Which brings me to my remembrance of tall guys who like to wear skirts. I had this friend who worked at camp Horizon with me. His camp name was Samson, and we discovered the first year there that Samson loved to wear flowy long skirts. He was 6'4" our first year at camp and I'm not gonna deny that I had a little bit of a crush on him (he bit me, what can I say?) Unfortunately Samson also did and dealt a ton of drugs, which made him cool for hanging out with, but not dateable since I do try to stay away from drug dealers. So, the specific story of Samson in a skirt that I am remembering is not from my first year at camp, but my second year. Samson grew two inches in a year, came back and was 6'6" (freaking huge, also still attractive) and one day we decided to have a contest where us girls shaved some of the boys legs to see how fast it could be done (the campers always found gender bending extremely amusing). So Samson's legs got shaved. We only did up to the knee. Of course then he borrowed the razor and finished the rest himself. This was Friday afternoon before our evening dance and Nora and I decided that Samson needed an appropriate outfit for his newly shaved legs. We supplied him with a jean mini skirt and a very attractive red plaid top. I don't think any photos of this outfit exist, which is much more the shame. There was a camper there that week that had already decided that Samson was his boyfriend, so Nora and I spent much of dinner and all of the dance protecting Samson from the camper that wanted to kiss him. Which was really fun for both of us because it involved a lot of smacking Samson around and grabbing his bum. Obviously greatness. After the weekly dance we always went to the camp fire and sang the end of the week songs, all of the counselors standing in a line with our arms wrapped around each other sharing our favorite memories of the week about our campers. Nora and I stood on either side of Samson, hands firmly grabbing his bum. He was getting a little pissy at that point because he was too tall and couldn't reach our bums.
No doubt we probably paid for all of that later in an impromptu night time wrestling match. But it was all good fun and I've been thinking about it the last few days and laughing really hard. Probably half from lack of sleep and partly just because I am crazy. I wonder what happened to Samson. I heard that he ended up going to drug & alcohol rehab a few years ago and I hope he's doing okay. He's the only man who's ever written me a dirty poem. It was so great. I'd love to look him up again, but I'm afraid he was in such a drugged up haze back then that he would hardly remember me at all. So sad.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest I feel much lighter. All those worries about people who you don't really know. Such a strange, surreal world I live in.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My angst problem...
I watched Legion. And then immediately had to go out and buy Legion because I loved it that much. This is entirely the combination of Paul Bettany's super hotness (he and Alan Tudyk where really the only things that made A Knight's Tale bareable), and it's super campy horror with angst nature. It totally heightened that fuzzy feeling.
It also makes me want to write super angst ridden fiction. Which usually leads me to writing near x-men fan fiction types of stories. Because there is lots of room for angst there. However now it's also lead me to watch True Blood. Which is also pretty angst ridden. AGH. I have an angst problem everyone. I just needed to get that out there into the universe. It needed to be said. definitely. Thanks for listening.
And I still totally think that Paul Bettany counts as a red-head part of the time. Just like Alan Tudyk.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer Colds
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Mistakes on the part of Nature
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Blue Veins
I'm still waiting to see what Audrey wants for a house warming present. And I miss Sarah's b-day BBQ tomorrow. Bummer.
I put on music tonight and that seems to have calmed my brain somewhat. I like calm brain, it's much nicer than my usual thinking of a thousand things all at once non-stop brain. I am so tired of being at work that I can barely type accurately. Ugh. Awfulness.
I cannot wait for the canoes for ski-to-sea on Sunday. Totally my favorite part of that race. The canoe paddlers are such cards. I hope it doesn't get canceled because they decide that the river is to high like they did last year. Because I was all prepared to watch them last year and then they canceled it and I was bummed. This year though, I shall tell them that there must be a canoe leg. Because I need it yo.
I feel like making something epic. But I do not know what I could make that is epic. So I'll just settle for puzzling it out right now. Maybe I should make an epic scarf. Or work on my cross stitch stuff somemore. I find needle work very relaxing, but not something you should do when you are uber tired.
Til later party people.